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jeudi, octobre 04, 2012

Ce kit contient:

15 papiers Jpg, 3600x3600, 300dpi.

80 éléments Png, 300dpi

This kit contains:

15 papers Jpg, 3600x3600, 300dpi.

80 items png, 300dpi




Ce pack contient:
4 Quickpages. Png, 3600x3600, 300dpi

This pack contains:
4 Quickpages. Png, 3600x3600, 300dpi



Ce pack contient:
8 wordarts, png, 300dpi

This pack contains:
8 wordarts, png, 300dpi


Ce bundle contient le kit (15 papiers jpg, 80 elements), 

l'album de 4 quickpages et un pack de 8 wordarts.

 This bundle contains the kit (15 papers , 80 elements),

 the album with 4 quickpages and a pack of 8 wordarts.

Available @



Un petit cadeau ??

A little gift ??

Un menu vierge pour vos repas d'Halloween

A virgin menu for your Halloween feast

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